Our vision

We want to live in a locality where people have the information and support they need to become more financially resilient over time and have the tools and knowledge to avoid slipping into financial exclusion at times of crisis.

Our mission

Our principle aim is to reduce costs and increase income for the most financially vulnerable across our locality.


People’s financial position has profound implications for their wellbeing. A strong financial base enables people to plan and invest in their needs and aspirations, ensuring that they are in a position to capitalise on opportunities (for example new homes, new jobs or investments) or to cope with unexpected events (everything from the fridge breaking to an unexpected health issue). Equally, being less financially resilient or vulnerable can have profound knock-on implications on people’s lives, for example through debt and the impact on physical and mental health.

As a partnership we aim to facilitate financial resilience but also mitigate vulnerabilities amongst the residents residing across North Staffordshire. Our partners who vary across the Statutory and VSCE sector are at the forefront work tirelessly to support financial inclusion but want to work strategically to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Our History

The partnership has been functioning for more than ten years as a voluntary group working together. Since we have been doing our utmost to bring organisations together for the benefit of the locality, working towards meeting our mission and vision.

Within North Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent there are some key challenges surrounding financial well-being, poverty, debt and access to financial services. Our role is about how we can widen and strengthen the membership by collaborating together whilst using a strengths based approach; to address some of the key challenges facing local people.

The purpose of our FIG is to add value to the work and delivery activities each of the partners by providing or facilitating:

  • National level intelligence and reports which add value to delivery alongside our own research of what works locally

  • Good practice sharing to achieve the best quality provision of financial education in its widest sense, money advice (budgeting), cost reduction support (utilities), maximising benefit entitlement, regulated advice and debt resolution.

  • Access to ethical lenders

  • Supporting local delivery channels which have regular contact with vulnerable people. These are statutory bodies, third sector organisations and charities, faith groups, educational establishments, or mainstream service providers such as mental health services, social and private landlords and food banks.

  • Accountability of elected members to ensure financial well-being remains a top priority for local authorities/district or county councils covering our locality

Where we our now

The Core Team

With decades of experience in the financial inclusion arena, the FIG is overseen by the core team of volunteers.

Karen Hobson

Vice-Chair - Moneyline (CDFI).

Paul Malkin

Aspire Housing

Corrine Boden

Treasurer - Stoke on Trent Food Bank

Margy Castile

Secretary - Money Advice CASNS